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The types of metals used in the manufacture of cutting tools respond very well to the cryogenic process. The productive life of the tool can be increased many fold.

If you use the traditional ranges of tool steels (M,D,S) or if you use modern materials like ASP then there is a good chance that we will be able to help reduce your manufacturing costs. In some applications carbide tips will benefit.

Those in the industry know that wood can be unpredictable in its ability to consume tools, with composite type materials such as MDF and chipboard being especially arduous.
Deep Cryogenic Treatment has been proven to reduce the consumption of carbide blades and in doing so also increased production rates through reduced down time.

Another example in pallet manufacturing has seen the life of large four inch band-saw blades go from four days to two weeks. Not only has the cutting tip remained sharper for longer but the frequent problem of the blade snapping due to poor annealing of the weld has been solved.
Paper, Print & Packaging
DCT can also bring significant savings for this industry because cryogenic processing treats the whole of the product, not just the surface, the benefits are there to be enjoyed even after regrinding items like expensive guillotine blades, slitters and perforation tools. As the grain structure of the material treated is finer, less is removed to regrind as the wear pattern is usually less. So not only do you get a greater ‘in service’ time between regrinds but you may also get more regrinds per tool before it needs replacing.

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Subject material will also benefit from Deep Cryogenic Treatment.
We have seen issues of run out and unstable/inconsistent material solved once the material has been treated.

Due to the imperfections of the casting process many materials have different characteristics from the centre to the outer edges which can interfere with the machining process and adversely affect tolerances.  This is particularly the case with long pieces as the run out can be significant.
Often a part solution is to use larger pieces of stock and machine off the unwanted outer part before making the finished part from the centre of the stock.
Not only will DCT help solve these practical tolerance issues but this often leads to further cost savings by allowing smaller material pieces to be used.

Proud member of

British Cryo Council Kimbolton
Frozen Solid Kimbolton

Cryogenix Ltd

Unit 2 Slater Court

Harrier Way





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